Posts from — October 2009
Thoughts are NOW CRIMES–while we slept
from the “Gay” Press
October 23, 2009
Hate crime bill passes House; Obama will signby Eric Resnick
Washington, D.C.–The U.S. House of Representatives passed the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act on October 8 as part of the authorization that funds the Department of Defense for 2010.
Once the Senate votes for concurrence, the measure will be on its way to the desk of President Obama, who has pledged to sign it.
With his signature, the measure would become only the second significant pro-LGBT federal law to be enacted. The first was 19 years ago: the Hate Crime Statistics Act, directing the FBI to collect information on anti-gay crimes.
The Senate voted in July to attach the Shepard act to the budget which funds war efforts, as it is considered to be a “must pass” bill.
This is a tactic the late Massachusetts Senator Edward Kennedy, the bill’s first sponsor in 1997, began doing during the Bush Administration. Back then, Republicans in both chambers blocked it as a stand alone bill.Since, the hate crime bill has passed the House or Senate five times, but it was always removed in conference committee between the chambers.
This time it will stay in.
The bill gives the Justice Department the authority to investigate and prosecute bias-motivated violent crime where the victim has been selected due to actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity or disability.
These will be added to race, religion, color, national origin and gender, which are already covered by the existing federal hate crime law.
The change allows hate crime against LGBT people to be prosecuted federally in states like Ohio where no state protection exists.
It also makes money available to state and local governments to combat hate crime committed by juveniles, train law enforcement officers on the characteristics of hate crime, and keep better records of its occurrence.
The House vote also changed the name of the law to “The Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act,” honoring the memory of another victim of hate violence–in the same year as Matthew Shepard–an African-American man who was dragged to death in Jasper, Texas.
The House also removed a provision allowing the death penalty to be applied.
The strategy of attaching such bills to “must pass” legislation shifts the political dynamics of passing them.
The House vote of 281 to 146, was for the whole appropriation, not on the merit of hate crime legislation.
We are so far behind in making people understand liberty, we may never catch up. Violent crime is already punishable. Thoughts and opinions should never be considered crimes. This is an assault on the conscience. Tell your Senators, reps, law enforcement: the conscience of man is not to be legislated. If a man brings offense by his mouth, it is a sin and not a crime and God alone punishes this.
Watch now, as the next step will be to pass the cyberbullying bill which will DIRECTLY MAKE IT A CRIME TO GIVE SINFUL OPINION. wHO WILL DECIDE WHAT IS SIN?! NOT YOU. Good luck patriots as you obey God rather than man.
Here is Jim Demints opposition to the bill”
October 24, 2009 2 Comments
Keep the Copenhagen Treaty on the Front Burner!
Here is a link to the actual treaty. A PDF file.
James Beller
October 20, 2009 Comments Off
THIS HAS TO GO VIRAL–Christopher Monckton on Climate treaty
Speech given by Lord Christopher Monckton at Bethel University in St. Paul, Minnesota. October 16, 2009
October 19, 2009 1 Comment
Chain the Beast Program October 11, 2009
Oct 11, 2009 on chainthe beast: Pittsburgh tyranny, Govt. checkpoints, Sound money…etc.
If you miss the LiveCast, just click on the “On Demand” button on the player and you can view the program at any time.
October 11, 2009 2 Comments