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Posts from — August 2009

Government is a Beast

The book of Daniel becomes a point of discussion from time to time in these troubled days of looming world government. Twice in Daniel’s book, human government is discussed. On both of these occasions the human governments mentioned are the future powers that will dominate the world.
In Daniel 7 a vision of four beasts, rising up from the sea is described. It is obvious that these four beasts are symbolic of humanly created civil governments. With this ancient depiction of human government in our grasp we can easily see the opinion of the ancients: Human government is a beast. Can there be any doubt of this description? In fact, the coming world government depicted in the Bible is “The Beast.” The coming world dictator is “The Beast.”

What is the meaning of this? Put simply, government is a beast that eats whatever and whomever is in its path. Government is meant to be a beast. It needs to be a beast to do its job. And what is the job of government?

The founders and framers had a definite assignment for the government. The function of government is to protect the life, liberty and property of its citizens. That is the sum of it. Since this is the only function of government, the force of a beast is needed.

This self-evident truth calls for proper principles immediately. As Thomas Jefferson said that government should be “chained down with the chains of the Constitution.” My fellow citizens, the beast is necessary, but it must not be allowed to run loose, it must only be permitted fulfill its only function.
In thinking this through we find our present situation strange. Instead of making us submit to endless permits from the beast, the beast should be issued permits from us. We are not to arbitrarily submit to it, it must submit to us. The beast must be chained. Any loosing of the chain will allow the beast to grow, multiply and eat the very citizens it was designed to protect.

So let us chain the beast, let us not over feed it, let us not trust it, let us not turn our backs on it. We dare not give the beast anymore responsibility that its original purpose, for if we let it loose of its chain, it will eat every last one of us. If the beast begins to eat the very people it was designed to protect, it is to be destroyed. Period. No hesitation. It is just too dangerous to do otherwise.
James Beller

August 25, 2009   1 Comment

O.K. everybody help! Urgent Conference…pass it along

I would like to see if networking works. Pastor C.R. Curtman from Wildwood, Mo is holding a conference addressing liberty in America. The dates are coming quick!
Tuesday, August 25th at 7:00 p.m. through
Thursday, August 27th at 12:00 p.m.
Could you possibly pass this along to 5 or 6 folks you know along the network, or more if the Lord leads you. Here is the web address with details and a handy download flier:


If the link doesn’t work, here is the info

The Time Is Now…To Get Informed
The Time Is Now…To Get Inspired
The Time Is Now…To Get Involved

Tuesday, August 25th at 7:00 p.m. through
Thursday, August 27th at 12:00 p.m.
Some of Our Speakers

Author None Dare Call It Treason, Growing Up God’s Way, Betrayed By The Bench
Pastor, and author of America in Crimson Red and Sacred Betrayal
Missouri State Representative, Businessman and Radio Personality
Marine Corps Veteran—Member, Franklin County Patriots
Pastor, Author, School Administrator
Evangelist and Author
Host Pastor

“Preachers and Patriotism”
”The Danger of Doing Nothing”
“Chains of Liberty—The U.S. Constitution”
”Responsible Representation—An Inside Perspective”
“Do’s and Dont’s for Christian Patriots”
“Understanding Romans 13:1-7”
“The Death of a Nation in Retrospect”
“Preserving America for the Gospel’s Sake”

Cornerstone Baptist Church
17617 Manchester Road
Wildwood, MO 63038
ph. 636-405-0768

Can you help get the word out?

August 12, 2009   Comments Off

Corporate Olbermann and the Town Hall Protests

Since Mr. Obama became President of the US, CNN has taken the mantle of obnoxious “news” casting, while the American people are given precious little information on the Obama plan. This short video shows vividly the ongoing ignorance of the most important discussion in our distracted country: Our own Constitution. Forgive us for the bad video quality, but observe:

The Corporate Olbermann and Town Hall Protesters from James Beller on Vimeo.

August 10, 2009   Comments Off

The Foundations of American Government Part 2 Compact Government

Part 2 Compact Government: Rejecting Kingcraft and Priestcraft
We should re-declare our allegiance to a compact form of government. This is not difficult to understand and is best explained by demonstrating the difference between covenant and compact.

Generally, a covenant is an agreement between man and God. God makes His promises, challenges men to live certain standards, and then promises His blessings on that man that keeps the covenant. It is an agreement between men and their God. [Read more →]

August 6, 2009   2 Comments